+977-1-5435978 | info@xposenepal.org.np
A Youtube Video on Benefits of Sajilo Pad has been published, This is an informative video on Sajilo Reusable Sanitary Pad.
यो च्यारिटी प्याड उद्योगले बनाएको कपडाको पुनः प्रयोग गर्न मिल्ने सजिलो प्याड हो । लगाउन सजिलो, धुन पनि सजिलो सजिलो प्याड यो प्याडमा रसायन प्रयोग भएको हुदैन त्यसैले यो स्वच्छ र स्वस्थ हुन्छ । यो वातावरण मैत्री र कम खर्चिलो हुन्छ किन भने यसलाई २ वर्ष सम्म पुनः प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ यो प्याड ३ वटा साइजमा उपलब्ध छ मिडियम, नाइत वएर र एक्स्त्रा लार्ज (Medium, Night Wear and Extra Large) यो सजिलो प्याड त चुहिदा नि चुहिदैन, अरु के चाहियो त हामीलाई हैन र ? प्रत्येक सजिलो प्याड मेसिनद्धारा स्तेरिलाइज गरिएको हुन्छ । महिलाहरुको महिनावारीको साथी, सजिलो प्याड । सजिलो प्याड छिटै नै अस्पताल आसपास रहेका औषधी पसलहरुमा उपलब्ध हुनेछ
Sajilo Pad is a Reusable Sanitary Pad that can be reused for 2 Years. It is made out of 100% Pure Breathable Cotton. Sajilo Pad is 98% Biodegradable, Sustainable and Eco-Friendly. It is Chemical Free so, it doesn’t Irritate the sensitive part of our body. It is leakage proof and has wings with buttons for steadiness. Each Sajilo Pad is Sterilized before the Packaging. Sajilo Pad comes in three different sizes; Medium, Large/ Night Wear and Extra Large. Sajilo Pad is product of Charity Pad Udhyog. Proud product of Nepal. For more information; You can contact us on 01-5435978 or visit our office X-Pose Nepal and Charity Pad Udhyog – Charity Shop at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur #SajiloPad #Reusable_Sanitary_Pad
Sajilo Pad is also available in #darazonlineshopping
You can also place order through Daraz Online Shopping by clicking link below: https://www.daraz.com.np/catalog/?spm=a2a0e.pdp.search.1.43b36799gcVak6&q=sajilo%20pad&_keyori=ss&from=search_history&sugg=sajilo%20pad_0_1
Price of Sajilo Pad: M : NPR. 640, N/L : NPR. 680 and XL : NPR. 720
#SajiloPad #Reusable_Sanitary_Pad Sajilo Pad is also available in #darazonlineshopping #SajiloPad #Reusable_Sanitary_Pad #cottonpads #ecofriendly #sustainable #Reused #Nepal #CharityPadUdhyog #XPoseNepal